SD Voyager Feature

Conversations with the Inspiring April Segal


Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. April Segal, PharmD, BCPS, APh

So, before we jump into specific questions about what you do, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I am a traditionally trained pharmacist and herbal medicine enthusiast. I founded Remedy out of a desire to re-think medication use and the pharmacy experience overall. I was frustrated with many things that I was seeing in the world of pharmacy and I knew that I wasn’t alone. My patients, friends, family and even just people who learned that I was a pharmacist were saying the same thing. They wanted more holistic treatments, and they hated going to the pharmacy. I couldn’t agree more! We are so lucky to live in a time and place where we have the luxury of life-saving pharmaceuticals, as well as botanical and natural options. In my mind the missing link was finding a place that offered both! I set out to create a space where people could get real answers about their medications, where natural and sustainable approaches were welcomed, and where people were treated with respect and compassion.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Things have definitely not been easy.. but most of the big challenges we have experienced were not a surprise, so we are fortunate in that way. One of the biggest hurdles has been working with pharmacy insurance companies. Unfortunately with the vertical integration of insurance companies with big chain pharmacies getting the insurance contracts up and going at Remedy has been hard. It is important to us to offer medications that are affordable so we have had to make major sacrifices in order to get contracts set up with the common insurance companies.

My biggest advice to young women starting a journey of entrepreneurship is to surround yourself with other business owners! When you make a switch leaving a company as an employee to start your own business, it can be an adjustment to lose the built-in safety net and support system that comes along with those positions. Starting your own business can be scary and you need others that can help encourage you on your path forward. Even if the network you find is business owners in completely different industries, I find that the challenges that come up as a business owner are similar across the board and if you can share the obstacles you face with others, they often don’t seem as intimidating.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into Remedy Holistic Pharmacy story. Tell us more about the business.
Remedy is an integrative, or “holistic” pharmacy. Meaning that we offer a full range of health products, from herbal supplements to prescription meds, integrating multiple modalities. We believe in a step-wise approach to health. We also offer unique services such as herbalist consultations, birth-control prescribing and delivery. We also have a passion for community and sustainability, which is why we are proud to offer community workshops and biodegradable prescription vials! am most proud of serving my community by offering them a place where they can be empowered to use sustainable health practices.

I think one of the first things that people notice that is different about Remedy is how much nicer the space feels than a traditional retail pharmacy. I often have customers say “This is the prettiest pharmacy I have ever been in!” when they walk in the door which makes very proud of my husband, Matthew, who is the architect and designer of the space.

It would be great to hear about any apps, books, podcasts or other resources that you’ve used and would recommend to others.
I love to listen to podcasts about entrepreneurs such as How I Built This or women’s podcasts such as Okay Sis and Natural MD Radio!


  • Private Herbalist Consultation $125
  • Birth Control Prescribing $50
  • Pharmacogenomic Testing $350

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